Beyond Six Sigma

From Sarbanes-Oxley compliance to Supply Chain strategy and the design of Transactional and Service processes, The Faltin Group provides thought leadership and unparalleled applications experience...

From Sarbanes-Oxley compliance to Supply Chain strategy and the design of Transactional and Service processes, The Faltin Group provides thought leadership and unparalleled applications experience.

When supplemented by techniques from economics, finance, and operations management, Six Sigma provides the foundation for world class practices in Transactional DFSS, Financial Quality, and Supply Chain Management. Faltin Group research, publications, and training provide the roadmap to excellence in application domains yet untrod by conventional Six Sigma trainers and consultants. GE, Motorola, and other industry leaders use---and teach others---the concepts and materials we've pioneered. Applications include:

  • financial compliance systems (e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley)
  • management dashboards/digital cockpits
  • valuation of legal/regulatory compliance risk exposure
  • facilities positioning and global demand allocation
  • risk management
  • transactional/financial/service process design and simulation
  • forecasting of revenue streams, demand, product mix, etc.
  • and many more

When you need solutions that go beyond the routine, gain insights into your toughest problems with help from an organization that takes quantitative business expertise to the next level---The Faltin Group.

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Flawless introduction of new products and services is the proven route to increased customer satisfaction, competitive advantage, and profitable growth - and The Faltin Group has established knowledge and experience to help your company make it become a reality.

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